Tired of checking your daily stats and seeing zero affiliate sales, again?

Don’t Settle For Just Recovering A Few Lost Sales -
Instantly Make 10 Times The Sales & Profit
With The World’s First Smart Bridge Link Service

Introducing The Ultimate All-In-One Link Cloaker
Get WP Smart Links For Just $47/month $37 One Time Payment!

30 Day Money Back Guarantee + 100 Site License

Richard Fairbairn - OnlineSuccessModel.com

'Can’t recommend this highly enough...'

WP Smart Links is a plugin I will be using everyday in my own business.
I have already seen an increase in clicks using this.
And it has some amazing features to stop any traffic leaks.
Can’t recommend this highly enough.

Michael Bowes - Owner Viper Tools

'You Need To Add This To Your Arsenal'

One of the most inconvenient things in internet marketing is controlling your links.
For years I struggled with losing affiliate sales, getting my links banned on facebook and other social sites and having my emails go to spam because my raw affiliate links ended up be banned as well.
All of these issues have been resolved with WP Smart Links.
Matt has created a standalone product that has already started to save me time and money!
If you do any form of marketing online, you need to add this to your arsenal.

Warning: You’re Bleeding Profit As 60% Of Your Affiliate Commissions Are Flushed Down The Toilet By Theft & Bad Links!

Affiliate marketing is amazing, it’s arguably the quickest and easiest way for anyone to start making money online. Unfortunately that also means it’s hyper-competitive, simply due to the number of people doing it.

That’s not a bad thing though… it just means you need to squeeze out every advantage you can get.

That’s why it will shock you to know that you are currently losing 60% of your potential sales… it might even make you angry (and it should).

They Are Outright Stealing 30% Of Your Sales!

We have asked around and all product creators with an affiliate program report the exact same thing… Nearly 100% of our visitors come through affiliate links, yet only 70% of sales have an affiliate assigned!

How is this possible… Where did the other 30% go?

It turns out that a LOT of people switch browsers before buying. People don’t complete the purchase immediately... they might copy the link and come back later using a different browser or device, like their phone or tablet.

Some people change browsers because a site is slow loading or maybe not mobile friendly… and finally some people are just dirtbags who don’t want an affiliate to get credit 😟

Regardless of the reason, the result is always the same. If they copy the naked link, leaving out your affiliate ID, you are screwed and will lose the sale... and remember that a whopping 30% of affiliate commissions are lost this way!

Yep, That’s Pretty Bad - But This Is Even Worse...
These 3 Suck Another 30% Of Your Sales Down The Drain

Banned Links

Facebook, Google and other social media networks often hold us affiliate marketers in low regard. Affiliate links are often banned and even hunted down for removal.

Posting a naked affiliate link makes it all too easy for these sites to simply erase your chance of ever getting a sale.

Spam Filters

Affiliate programs usually have thousands of affiliates using email marketing and as a result the links will quickly get blacklisted Sending an email with a naked affiliate link is a one way ticket to the spam folder… and you won’t make sales from links that are never seen!

Ugly Links

With all the phishing and fraud going around people have been taught to never click a link they don’t trust (and rightfully so).

Naked affiliate links are generally ugly with weird characters and numbers in them… and if you don’t get the click you’ll never make the sale

Remember that these are not made up numbers. They are unfortunately very real, based on our own stats and surveys of hundreds of other affiliate program owners… 60% of all sales that should have been credited to you, the affiliate… simply disappear into thin air!

Great, I’ll Just Use A Link Cloaker -
Problem Solved… Right?

Sure, you have been told to do this for years. It’s not a bad idea and it’s definitely
a good first step, but...

The “Fix” You’re Using Is Doing More Harm
Than Good & Costing You Even More Sales!

Replacing Ugly With Ugly

Most link cloakers just replace the ugly affiliate links with a slightly shorter random links that still look ugly. This doesn’t fix anything and won’t increase your clickthrough rate.

You’re At Their Mercy

When you use a 3rd part link cloaker you are completely at their mercy. If they are down there is nothing you can do. You’ll be wasting traffic and losing all your sales.

Change Is A Pain

Affiliate programs change all the time, offers expire and sites go down. If you are using a 3rd party cloaker you very rarely have the option to change your links and you will be wasting a lot of traffic.

You’re Still Banned

If thousands or even millions of people use the same 3rd party link cloaker you’ll still get lumped in with all the bad apples. Your cloaked affiliate links will still get banned on Facebook and trapped in spam filters.

A Half Cloak Is No Cloak

Most link cloakers only do half the job. The link will be cloaked initially only to resolve into the destination link when people hit the site. This still leaves you vulnerable to losing 30% of your sales to browser switching.

If They Even Work

Our research has shown that most link cloakers have questionable uptime at best. When they do work, most of them don’t work on mobile devices, even outright breaking responsive sites… and these days that’s where 60% of your customers are!

But Now There’s Finally A Solution That Will

Make Sure Your Get All Your Commissions &

Instantly Flood Your Accounts With More Sales


Smart Links

WP Smart Links is the world’s first all-in-one link cloaker with powerful smart bridge technology that allows you easily make more sales with retargeting, while completely eliminating the risk of losing any commissions.

Here’s Exactly What You Get Instant Access To Today

And How You Will Be Making A Lot More

Affiliate Sales Within Minutes From Right Now!

Use Your Own Domain

With WP Smart Links you will always use your own domain for your cloaked links. Your links will be pretty, inspire confidence and get a lot more clicks.

User Friendly WordPress Plugin

WP Smart Links is a super simple to use WordPress plugin that can be added to your site with a single click.

You don’t need any special tech skills or experience to use it and since it’s based on WP it will work on any computer, anywhere.

Manage All Your Links In One Place

With WP Smart links you will have all your cloaked links in one convenient place, right on your WordPress dashboard.

There is no longer a need to keep text files and spreadsheets or spending hours finding that one link you lost.

Change Your Links On The Fly

Affiliate programs change all the time, offers expire and sites go down.

With WP Smart Link it’s super easy to instantly change your link and send your traffic to another site. This means you will never waste traffic and miss out on sales again!

Completely Eliminate Theft

We will naturally fully cloak your links all the way to the destination. This completely negates browser switching, eliminates affiliates theft and ensures that you get paid for every sales, every time!

Dodge The Spam Filters

You will be the only person sending out emails promoting links on your domains. This greatly reduces the risk of getting blacklisted as spam and it will increase your views, clicks and sales

Avoid The Ban Hammer

The same goes for social media… posting links for your own domain greatly lowers the risk of your affiliate links being banned or removed.

Even better… our smart bridge technology has been specifically designed with social media in mind, ensuring that your links can be shared on social media without ever being blocked!

These Features Will Instantly Recover

The 60% Sales Your Are Currently Losing

But Why Settle For Saving A Few Sales...
When WP Smart Links Can Make You Thousands Of
Dollars In Extra Commissions
With Zero Extra Effort

We have saved the absolute best feature for last...
It’s groundbreaking, you have never seen this before… and the potential is HUGE!

WP Smart Links Allows You To Put A Pixel On ANY Affiliate link!

Our revolutionary smart bridge technology allows you to assign a pixel to any link… even affiliate links. The smart bridge will load this pixel first, before sending the visitor on to the destination link.

You could use a tracking pixel to gain valuable insights into your traffic…

Even better you could use a Facebook Pixel

  • Start retargeting people who have clicked your affiliate links with Facebook ads. Retargeting ads are dirt cheap often costing $0.01 per click and your sales and profit will shoot through the roof
  • The people who click your links are your most valuable visitors and subscribers and you want as many of them as you can get. Use the Facebook pixel to build a custom audience of them and use Facebook to find lookalike audiences and grow your sales exponentially!

These are just two of the many extremely profitable ways you can take advantage of the smart bridge and pixel technology in WP Smart Links

And this feature alone is worth thousands of dollars in extra sales… and you won’t find it anywhere else!

WP Smart Links Is Perfect For...


Hunting down and changing affiliate links on multiple posts can be a pain. With the WP Smart Links plugin you can change multiple links in second, straight from your WordPress dashboard.

Affiliate Marketers

WP Smart Links ensures that your links will be seen and clicked on social media and from emails. It will increase your sales and commissions and the smart bridge pixel will take your affiliate marketing to the next


Nothing is more disheartening than staring at the zero sales stats when you are starting out. WP Smart Links maximizes your chance or making a sales and makes sure you get paid every time - so you can get the good start we wish we had.

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It Though!
See For Yourself What Other People Say About The Amazing
Results They Are Experiencing With WP Smart Links…

John ThornhillJohnThornhill.com

'My Highest Recommendation..."

Being able to post my affiliate links on the big social media sites again is going to give my affiliate income a very healthy bump...
And the fact that WP Smart Links also lets me see exactly which of those links is actually bringing in clicks in priceless, I can make sure I focus on what's working...
This takes the guesswork out of my social media campaigns, letting me scale my profits with peace of mind!
WP Smart Links is an amazing tool that I will use every day in my business and I can give it my highest recommendation

Paul OKeeffe - PaulOKeeffe.org

'Beat Your Competitors To Those Big Commissions...'

The guys behind WP Smart Links know how to make things work, probably because they're in the trenches doing real marketing with the best of them...
This plugin shows they know what affiliate marketers REALLY need, links that work on ALL the big social media sites, even FB!
Along with the click tracking AND targeting pixel for taking things to the next level, Smart Links is the smart way to beat your competitors to those big commissions.

“Okay guys, Count Me In..

But How Much Is WP Smart Links?”

Well, ask yourself this…

What is worth to have a solution that can reliably recover the 60% of commission that are otherwise lost to you?

The industry average affiliate commission is $63... just a single commission recovered could easily pay for your WP Smart Link account.

When you factor in the the explosive earning potential of the smart bridge pixel technology… we could easily charge hundreds of dollars for this and it would still be the bargain of the year. But thankfully for you, we’re not going to charge you anything close to that today. In fact...

You only have to invest $47 $37 in your future success today!

After you have seen everything inside WP Smart Links and the low one time price on it... you’re probably thinking that we’ve thought of everything.

But we’ve got one more thing to tell you about… and it’s going to make this decision an easy one:

We Want To Remove All Risk For You!

That’s Why We’re Including Our Iron-Clad, 30-Day,
“No Questions Asked” Money Back Guarantee!

Yes, We’ve saved the best bit for last and…

The best thing is... we’re covering you with an amazing guarantee:

You can grab your copy of WP Smart Links today, use it for the next 30 days and if for some reason, (or no reason at all), you don't think it’s going to work for you... fine, just reach out to our friendly dedicated support team and let us know within 30 days and we'll refund your purchase in full… No questions asked!

Well be happy that you gave WP Smart Links a try and we’ll part as friends – that’s our promise to you!

Guarantees like that don't come along every day...

Neither do opportunities like this...

So now is the time to take action!


The low introductory price you see on this page will only be available for a very limited time!

We have invested many months of our time and thousands of dollars into WP Smart Links.

The Smart Bridge and Pixel technology is so revolutionary that we NEED to take it to the mainstream market.

When we do the price will go up and WP Smart Links will most likely move to a monthly recurring plan... and that is what will happen at the end of the special early bird period.

At the same time the low price you see here is the cheapest you will ever find, we WILL be increasing the price tag on WP Smart Links very soon!

This is not a gimmick! In order to protect our own investment and the profit pulling potential for the fast action takers…

The price will go up & we will move to a monthly recurring plan soon!

If you leave this page now and come back later, we can not guarantee that you can still get in at this introductory price!

Take action today and invest in your future financial independence. Secure your place in the super affiliates' club and don't let someone else take your place!

Click The Button Now

To Gain Instant Access To WP Smart Links
Before The Price Goes Up!

30 Day Money Back Guarantee + 100 Site License

We can’t wait to welcome you inside and let you experience the amazing power of Wp Smart Links. Remember that taking action today is your first step toward achieving the same life changing results you have seen on this page. We are very much looking forward to receiving the emails about your affiliate success stories!


P.S. Right now you're at a fork in the road - you can either carry on as you are - wake up tomorrow in the same place - struggling to make anything at all online and wondering where all your affiliate commissions went. Or you can take action and invest in yourself and change your life for the better - nothing is going to change unless you do! So trust your gut and click on the buy button now.


Remember that this is a time limited special offer. If you close this page and try to come back later we can not guarantee that this offer will still be here and definitely not at the same price. With our 30 day money back guarantee you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. Click the buy button now and get started today!